Industrial Bar and 2 Earrings

my friend’s industrial bar.
Industrial Bar and 2 Earrings

(13 votes, average: 4.08 out of 5)

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2 Responses to “Industrial Bar and 2 Earrings”

  1. dominique on February 21st, 2011 9:55 am

    how && what do you use to keep your bar clean . .&& how lonq did it take for it to heal . . cause i just qot mines done 6 days aqo . && it didnt hurt until the like 4 day its kinda been hurtinq && swellinq up . . i dont think its infected . . but you miqht knw better then i . .&& did yours flake up . ? please qet back to me on this .

  2. Kari on April 10th, 2011 5:00 am

    Dont worry mine looks the same just use sea salt with warm water and keep it cleand dont play with it i have had mine for 2 months and it still hurts just keep it cleaned and dont play with it or sleep on it. im worried to trust me.

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