Metal Face

metal face

(50 votes, average: 3.94 out of 5)

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3 Responses to “Metal Face”

  1. metalmunchkin on March 2nd, 2010 12:49 am

    loving it you look great, what other mods you got? im currently on 26 piercings
    2 x 18mm tunnles,
    2 x orbitals above my tunnles,
    2 x industrial,
    2 x conch 10mm right ,
    8mm septum (finaly)
    2 x 2.4mm nipple,
    2 x eyebrow
    snake bite,
    2 x Nape

    and jsut got two dermal anchors on ma neck done biut 2 weeks go, getting another 4 done going up the curve of my ear.

  2. tha REAL MEtAL fACE on September 29th, 2010 5:41 pm

    I have no clue why these listinqs of metal are on my picture, but those arent even mine.

    8q Double Nostril
    6q Septum
    14q Snakebites
    14q Anqelbites
    14q Navel
    14q Double Bridqe
    14q Dimples
    16q Smiley
    16q Under Brow (2)
    16q Tonque Frenlum
    20q Ear Studs (11, includinq Conch)
    1 1/4 Pluqs

    Im 16 and currently attend Leiqh. I live everyday as much as i can bare. If you really want somethinq, shoot for it.

  3. marki on March 22nd, 2011 2:10 am

    i have no idea where your from or who u are, but you are breath takingly stunning…..i wonder if they make chics like you on the east coast???the search is never ending

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