Labret Piercings

When the piercing is done in the lower lip, it is called the labret piercing. It is not so common as the ear or nose piercing but it is not so unusual in the recent days as youths are following the different types of body piercing as the new style signature for them. While going for the labret piercing, the position of the piercing is very important factor. If the piercing is not done in the correct way, the initial jewelry used could continuously rub the gum and make wound there. If one has the intention of using ring as the jewelry, the piercing should be done at an angle so that the teeth or gum is not getting rubbed. One should always go to a professional and highly skilled person for piercing so that the sterilized instruments and proper and healthier piercing are guaranteed. The instruments needed for labret piercing are the standard piercing needle and the clamps to pull the lips. Labret piercing takes 2-3months to heal and saline water soak is a very good way to keep the wound clean. In the Native American and some other tribes, labret piercing are part of tradition. There could be 2 piercing in the labret (snake bite) or 2 piercing (spider bite).

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