Lip Piercings - Page 281
Belly Button Piercings
Double Monroe
Im getting a third under my two
Gauges, Nose, Snake Bites, Labret and Tongue
Gauges, Nose, Snake Bites, Labret and Tongue
My Septum and my Snake Bites
I’ve got my septum and my snake bites(;
Savvie’s Multiple Piercings
Some of my piercings…Septum, Snakebites, nose piercings and one of my ear stretchers 😀
Labret and Nose piercings
Jus Me
Bored At School
two nostril spikes, septum, medusa, multiple ear and tragus piercings.
Multiple Facial Piercings
Snakebites , monroe , septum , eyebrow , tongue