Multiple Piercings - Page 5
Jus Me
Bored At School
two nostril spikes, septum, medusa, multiple ear and tragus piercings.
My Many Piercings
Some you cant see but they’re there. Septum, tongue, dimples, anti-eyebrow, smiley, wrist, and my industrial. Had dermals and still a few more to add.
Multiple Facial Piercings
Snakebites , monroe , septum , eyebrow , tongue
Tongue Ring and Eyebrow Piercing
My Stretched Labret (Along with many others)
Facial Piercing
Snake bites dermal dimples Bridge
My Septum and Labret. :)
My septum, labret and some of my ear piercings.
Stealcold Omen
Smile(up top). Tongue web(middle). Snake bites.